UCPD Cerebral Palsy and Dystrophy Association

We are an Association that gathers, records and helps individuals with cerebral palsy and dystrophy. We try to provide our members with moral, material support and assistance.

We strive to bring serenity and joy into their lives. We care for the social participation of our members. We fight for the personal and material survival of our members. We also strive to instill in our minds healthy people that we want to live with them, not beside them.

Objectives and tasks

The main goals and objectives are: to bring together persons suffering from cerebral palsy and dystrophy, and their family members to receive immediate material, social and other assistance; exercising rights in the fields of education, rehabilitation, vocational training and employment.


Cerebral palsy

Cerebral palsy is “a group of movement and postural disorders caused by a defect or lesion of an immature brain” (Bax, 1964). It is a chronic disorder characterized by aberrant control of movement or posture, occurs early in life and results from an unrecognizable progressive disease.



Dystrophy is a chronic and progressive disease of unknown etiology that affects all muscles.

There are over 40 nervous and muscular disorders that occur and vary in degree of muscle weakness and dying.


A team of assisting members

Iza svih naših aktivnosti i uspjeha stoji i određeni broj aktivnih pomažućih članova bez čije stalne i nesebične pomoći vjerovatno ne bismo bili gdje smo sada. To je jedan takoreći tim stručnjaka kojima dugujemo veliku zahvalnost u svim oblastima, pravnim, zdravstvenim, računovodstvenim, edukativnim, medicinskim i drugim vidovima pomoći.


Ime i prezime

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Our products

By purchasing our products
you help people with cerebral palsy and dystrophy,
and you encourage the work of the workshop and our Association.


with embroidery 3,50 KM
without embroidery 5,00 KM

Set of slippers 4 pairs
with embroidery 15,00 KM
without embroidery 20,00 KM

Decorative pillows

Decorative pillows
5,00 KM


Cotton and linen bags
5,00 KM


This project is supported by the Czech Republic’s development cooperation.

If you would like to get in touch with us and help us in any way, please fill out the form below.

    Thank You

    For the realization of these activities, for our affirmation, a great contribution is also made by our local television, which has followed and covered all our steps on the thorny path of ascent to the place we are now.

    The Association would like to thank all the sponsors and donors who helped in the implementation of any of the activities of the Association.

    We also owe a great deal of gratitude to our fellow citizens who, unlike some previous periods, at all times personally and selflessly support our Association by purchasing our products, providing various types of services, and above all the warmth and cordiality that are shared at all times, which are not I can pay with nothing.

    We're here too


    Let's remove architectural barriers

    20 years of the Association